Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Feature - Save Money with Dropcloth Curtains!

Wow - the past couple weeks just flew right by!  I missed last weeks "Friday Feature" entirely with all our craziness!  We had an unexpected house guest for a few nights last week and this week, family came up to visit last weekend, family pictures were taken at the beach last Saturday, and we're still working on getting work done on the house for our refinancing I've been all kinds of running around!  Oh, and because we were having the pictures taken (by my sweet sister-in-law - who did an awesome job!), I had to cut the two older boys hair since it was out of control!  {I really considered taking them to get it done professionally, but I figured I saved about $30 by doing it myself......but that's another post - coming soon}

Soo, On to the Feature! 

I've been looking for an inexpensive way to put curtains on our windows since we've moved into our house a year and a half ago.......there's a lot of them, and quite a few are big ones, so that can get real expensive, real fast!  So far I'd gotten a mishmash of curtains on sale or clearanced that kind of "go" together, but drive the husband batty!  He's been all but begging me to "get it together" as far as curtains go.  =)  But, I've yet to come across anything that's both affordable and attractive......until now!  

Recently, I've been seeing drop cloth curtains all across the blogosphere and I was very intrigued!  Drop cloths are durable, washable, look like linen, are already hemmed......and they're pretty cheap (I just bought some at Home Depot yesterday - the 6'x9' size is $9.99, and the 6'x12' is $19.99).   I love the neutral color, but it's so versatile and can easily be jazzed up if you prefer - I've seen it done really well with stenciling, ribbon, fabric, paint......lots of options.

Here are a few of my favorite examples that I've found so far.....

{The Lettered Cottage has this beautiful simple version}

{Kimba at A Soft Place to Land added a little color to hers by ironing on some trim}

{And Traci at Beneath My Heart has these beauties in her Dining Room.....}

{.....and, on her patio - l.o.v.e.!}

Who would've thunk??  I love how versatile they are - and how cheap of an option they are!  I'm thinking they'll be a perfect solution to our mishmash problem.  ;)

What do you think?  Love it? Hate it?  Already tried it? Do you have any money saving tips for dressing your windows?

*I'm excited to be starting a regular post here on the blog called 'Friday Feature' where I feature something awesome.  It may be a fellow blogger I admire, or a stand out craft or idea that I come across.  Maybe a recipe or a great tutorial, a wonderful time or money saving tip or trick.  Let me know if you have anything specific you'd like to see as a feature!

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