Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Feature: Pinterest! The Virtual Corkboard Wonderland!

Welcome to the Friday Feature, where I highlight something that I'm really loving -- but first, let me introduce myself...........
"Hi, my name is Mara and I'm a Pinterest addict."  Seriously, they need a support group!  If you're part of this wonderland already, you know -- and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you must check it out!

It's a virtual corkboard - a place to "pin" all those great ideas, crafts, paint colors, recipes, funny things.....that you come across online.  It's like someone looked in my head and knew that I was wishing for a simple, beautiful, user-friendly place to keep track of all the fantastic things I see on blogs and other places!  (My method of copying a link into a draft in gmail wasn't exactly ideal!)

It's an awesome place just to organize the things that float your boat, or browse others boards and find oodles of inspiration!  I've already come across so many things that I don't think I would've seen otherwise.  You can follow people with similar interests - either their whole collection if you like their overall style, or individual boards -- for example, when their "Living Room" board is full of pins exactly like what you imagine for your own, or when every recipe they post in "Yum yum" is making you drool on your keyboard.

You need an invitation to join, but it's free and fantastic!  Send me your email if you'd like an invite!  And if you leave your "username" I'd love to see your boards.  =)

You can pin whatever images you'd like, and create any boards that you want - whatever makes sense to are some screenshots of my boards:

These are dreams for my laundry room once we get done with the "big" stuff (like siding, roofing, flooring...silly details like that) and can work on the "fun" stuff...

Whenever I come across recipes or decorations that I think would be perfect for our next soiree, this is where they go (sure, 'cause we're so fancy pants that we have soirees)  ;)

I want to create a playroom/art area for the kids in the basement.....and some of these funzies would be perfect for what I have in mind - and some are ideas that I never would've thought of!

Ahh, my "delish"'s where I go to drool!  ;)   I love being able to tuck away tasty treats here, so when I need a yummy dish to pass, or an idea for an awesome chicken dish - tada!  No more...."there's a dessert I saw online that would be perfect for the party - which website did I see that on??"

I created a "to make" board where I keep all the fantastic projects that inspire me to be crafty - so when I get the creative bug (and 30 seconds of free time) I know where the great ideas will be!

Ohhh Pinterest, how I love thee!!

What do you think??  Are you already pinning?  Or are you inspired to go start your own pinboard?  Need an invite, let me know!  I'd love to see your collections!


  1. Hi! Thanks for the post on the pinterest! I had no idea it existed :) I like your playroom board the best!

    Thanks for visiting my blog from the FB hop :) And have a happy and safe 4th!

  2. You're welcome! I should warn you though - it can be addicting! ;) I'm having fun dreaming about the playroom and the possibilities...though it may be a while away from reality.
    Happy Independence Day to you as well! =)

  3. Oh my gosh! I can see how it can become addicting. It looks like such fun. I'd love an invite if you have one to share:

  4. I would LOVE to see your pins...not sure how to find you per say but I am on there under Carol Holbert! Let's be pin buddies,lol

  5. Gina, it definitely can be addicting, but yes, so much fun! I sent you an invite a couple days ago, hope you got it!

    Carol, I'm not sure how to find you with your name. I tried searching a couple different ways, but nothing came up. You can find me at the links above or at I'd love to be "pin buddies". =)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I love hearing from my readers. If you post a question and I fail to answer it here or via email, please don't hesitate to send me an email at =)