Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Entryway Organization with a $2 Yard Sale Find!

This past weekend was a beautifully sunshiny day for yard saling.  I came across this little cubby/shelf thingy for $2.....

I wasn't sure what I'd do with it right away, but there were so many possibilities - organization in the laundry room, kids play room, kids closets....the only problem now was deciding.

When I came into the house I saw the "shoe-palooza" that our entryway had become.....and with embarrassment I show you the pictures.....*blush. 

The kids keep their shoes and backpacks here, and we have a "1-pair of shoes per person in the entry" rule (except for Emma who's 4, because I don't want to run up to her closet to get the right pair for the day, so she gets that wired basket)
Without a way to corral them though, they tend to sprawl all over the floor and the kids "forget" how many shoes they already have there.  It makes me crazy to walk through this every time I come home.

As I dusted off the cubby shelf thing I had just bought, I realized that it would be perfect for containing the shoe monster!  So I cleared out the whole area, vacuumed it, realigned the rugs, and set up the new shoe station.

2 of the kids are in running after school (cross-country and Girls on the Run), so they often wear a couple different pairs of shoes in a day......I changed the rule to 2 pairs per kid, but they must stay in their assigned cuibby.  I love that it goes vertical and keeps more of the floor clean.....we're 3 days in and so far so good!  =)  It was a great $2 organizational fix!



  1. Thanks for sharing Mara! My entryway looks exactly like your before picture. I've never bought one of the wire shoe racks because they just look like more clutter to me. Using shelves is a great idea!

  2. Thanks Amanda! It gets out of control fast doesn't it? I agree with you about the wire racks! I was hoping the shelves would control the visual clutter and they really do! AND, since they're only allowed 1 cubby each, they can only "overflow" so much. =)

    ~ Mara


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