Thursday, April 5, 2012

FREE eBook: "And Then I Had Teenagers" - $14.99 value!

Amazon is offering the "And Then I Had Teenagers: Encouragement for Parents of Teenagers and Preteens" e-book for Kindle for FREE today only! 

This is funny timing because I was just talking to a friend yesterday about how parenting our preteens was really challenging us - I think this book will be a great help!
  It has a 5-star rating, and is valued at $14.99!
Also, I learned about this freebie by reading this great, but short blog about "Raising Kids with Character".

  • If you don’t have a Kindle, you can just download a free reading app from Amazon which will allow you to read this on your PC, iPad, iPhone, blackberry, android, Mac and more!
  • Prices change often.....if it's still FREE the price will be listed as $0.00
"Susan Yates, author of 'And Then I Had Kids', tackles the trials of parenting adolescents in this down-to-earth Christian manual. She encourages parents to not just endure, but to enjoy, their children's teen years. She identifies some common challenges teens who suddenly become uncommunicative, who reject the faith of their childhood or who are hypercritical of themselves and others.
She also discusses "hot topics" such as dating, driving, grades, drugs, TV and movies. What places this parenting guide a cut above is its honesty; Yates is quite frank about the joys and sorrows of raising her own five kids (who were so closely spaced that there was one year when they were all teenagers! Yikes!). Christian parents will appreciate Yates's warm and wise counsel."

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