Thursday, April 11, 2013

FREE Movie Theater Tickets!

My husband I both enjoy seeing movies in the theater, but it's gotten so expensive! I'm always on the lookout for ways to make date night cheaper, so I was thrilled to come across these two different FREE movie ticket offers!

We stopped at Walmart to get some frozen pizza and a free Redbox movie for a family night, and came across these specially marked Red Baron pizzas!  You get a free movie ticket when you buy any 4 marked packages (which include Red Baron, Freschetta, Tony's, or Pagoda Express products).
The pizzas were $3.33 each and the free ticket is worth up to $12 - that's a difference of $1.32.  Not bad, $13.32 for four pizzas and a movie! (and could even be cheaper if you had coupons!)

*Limit of two certificates per household. Offer good through 8/31/13.

I found these General Mills cereals at Meijer that offered a free movie ticket (worth up to $12) when you buy only 2 boxes of specially marked cereal! Your total cost will vary based on the reg./sale price, whether or not you have coupons...etc.  But, unless your cereal is $6 a box, lol, you'll still pay less for the cereal than for a movie ticket!  =)  And the best part may be, I don't see any limit of how many you can redeem!  We probably bought 8 or 10 boxes and have had some super cheap dates!

*Codes must be entered by 12/6/13.

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