Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rite-Aid Wrap-Up (8/6/09) ~ 116% Savings!! $151 retail for free + $24 PROFIT!

What a wonderful week at Rite-Aid!! They were even out of three rebate items I was looking for. If they had those in, my profit would've been even more! Isn't that a funny way to shop - the more you buy, the lower your total gets? =)

I bought everything in the picture in 3 transactions, so I was able to use three $5/$25 Rite-Aid coupons. The only thing that wasn't on the weekly list was the Curity nursing pads that I found clearanced for $1.99 each, reg. $7.99. I was very happy to find them because they aren't an item you can usually get super cheap.....and I've been looking for deals on baby things that we'll need next March. ;)

$151.10 Retail
$83.62 Sale Price
- $31
- $76.75 in rebates
= $24.13 PROFIT!


Anonymous said...

why didn't you get the free tape?

Mara said...

That was actually one of the things they were out of....but I got a raincheck (along with the other two things) and will probably get it next week or so when they get some in. And then will use another $5 off $25 coupon - whee! =)